Belajar PHP dan MySQL dengan membuat project Sistem Registrasi dan Login yang mengcover implementasi proses Create, Read, Update dan Delete (CRUD).


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Is BERT feature extraction?

BERT can be used for both feature extraction and fine-tuning.

In feature extraction, BERT is used as a pre-trained model to extract meaningful features from text data. The pre-trained weights of BERT can be used to encode the input text …

Create QR Code in PHP

This script uses the PHP library “Endroid/QrCode” to generate a QR code. The QR code’s content is specified in the $qr_content variable, and the size of the QR code can be set using the $qr_size variable. The QR code image …

PHP & MySQL Fundamentals

Training PHP and MySQL Fundamental akan membahas konsep dan praktik PHP dan MySQL. Pembahasan materi PHP mencakup dasar-dasar PHP, variabel, formulir, tipe data, struktur kontrol, array, dan best practice pembuatan web application. Pembahasan materi MySQL mencakup dasar MySQL hingga pengoperasiannya …